Located between the yurt, the carousel and the music kiosk you can find this crazy little place, the removable Chinoiserie. Temporarily implanted in the botanical gardens in Bordeaux, it is part of a pedagogical workshops coordinated by Arc en Rêve.
Because we had a carte blanche and were in need of a complete change of scenery, we decided to go with China. Looking for high potential architectural oddities and some clues, we brought fragments of fantasy: the haystack shape, the comfort provided by the hammock, the texture of a lot of fishing nets.
The framework is a concentric repetition of twelve trusses where hammocks hung from the main massive post. The same mesh was used for the furniture and the blankets. The nets provide shade and also allow the air to breathe freely while still blocking the sight until the roofing is almost made opaque.
For us, the micro-architecture represents an invitation to play and rest.